Monday, January 23, 2012

It's really me!

So I really haven't been blogging....but I should be better so that I have a better record of what goes on around these parts. Duncan is my little love. I can't get enough of him. He is in to everything and he is puts everything in to his mouth. As you can see from the pic he even took a chunk out of the toilet paper. I can't believe in just a few weeks he is going to be one year old.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gerber Baby!

I can't believe this little angel is 6 months old. How the time has flown. He is so much fun and makes us laugh all day long. In just a few short days we get to take him to the temple to be sealed to our family. I can't even put in to words how excited we all are. I ordered his temple/blessing outfit months ago and I am so glad it fits!! I had to capture this moment and took Duncan for a photo shoot. We ended up with 176 to choose????

Monday, August 1, 2011

What's Duncan been up to????

Duncan is the apple of our eye...and not just Me and Steve but the big kids as well. Duncan loves his french teething giraffe.
Duncan thinks he is ready to go to school with the big kids.
Duncan went to his first 24th of July Parade and loved everything there was to look at.
Duncan went to his first drive-in movie. He was so exhausted from the all the excitement that he slept through the movie.
Duncan LOVES the big kids. They light up his world!!!
He is a seasoned traveler. Already having flown twice to Portland before he was 5 months old!
Duncan loves animals. In this picture he is adoring Aunt Meg's horse. He loves our dogs and they entertain him during the day.
He has been sitting up since he was 5 months old and that has made bath time heaven.
Duncan LOVES to be outside. Here he is in the bike trailor. He also loves going on walks or I set him outside in his excersaucer to watch the kids play.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love him

Oh how I love him! But he doen't love the pokey grass! 5 months old and sitting up on his own.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy boy!

Duncan had is 4 month WCC. He is 16lbs and 25 3/4 inches long. His doc said his sitting up ability is extremely advanced. We could have told him that! D is very strong. He was born with the ability to hold his head up. The doc couldn't get over how happy D is. He said he is one of the happiest babies he has ever seen!!! ; )

Swimming for the first time

He is so afraid he is going to miss out on the action! I think this is the curse of having such older syblings. He wants to know what they are doing and fights nap time.

Getting the hang of eating some real food.

We celebrated Jonah's 9th bday. He had a party with his friends at Black Diamond Gymnastics. Then we had a quiet celebration at home on his actual birthday. I love Jonah to death! He will try anything and always wants to be my helper. I had him write Duncan a letter to put in his baby book. In the letter he told Duncan he felt "eternally great" the first time he saw him! Melt my heart!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

4 months

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Caleb is reading Duncan Sports Illustrated. Duncan was born to the television being on Sports Center. He has no hope growing up with his brothers and dad....he will love sports.
Alexa and Jonah can't get enough of Duncan. I usually have to make deals like "When Alexa is done with her homework it's her turn to hold Duncan". This little boy has not shortage of people who want to hold him....but it makes it hard for me during the day when everyone is gone. He prefers to be held all the time!!!